
At Rotherham Waste Oils we fully implement the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and all subsequent Regulations that apply to our operations both on and off the site.

We have fully considered the impacts of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 on our business activities.

In order to prevent potential pollution to air, soil or water and provide opportunities for the continual improvement our management systems and work practices are continually monitored. this information provides a framework for setting and reviewing our environmental objectives.

Our staff are trained to an appropriate level to allow them to carry out their work tasks effectively with due consideration to their safety and possible environmental implications. All equipment and vehicles are maintained to ensure efficient running and minimal potential waste. The company's buying policy takes into account the potential environmental impact.

It is the intention of the management to continue to minister the company's activities to reduce the impact on the environment by constantly monitoring and where practicable continue to reduce waste.